Learn, Grow and Enjoy!

Success Requires Sacrifices

By Vicki Nieto | September 27, 2019

"You wake up at what time? Are you serious?" I almost always get that response when I tell people what time I wake up. Look, I know a 4:15 am wake up is not normal for most people, but being like most people means getting the same results that most people get. Most people want…

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goal setting

How to Achieve Exceptional Business Results using a Simple 12-Week Goal Setting Plan

By Vicki Nieto | August 24, 2019

I was 30 years old and had just recently had my second son when I saw a picture of myself in a company newsletter. I barely recognized myself. At that moment I realized that I had been overweight my entire life and I was desperate to do something about it. I needed to lose about…

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Inbox Zero: 8 tips for managing your email inbox to zero

By Vicki Nieto | August 24, 2019

Inbox to zero sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Believe it or not, it’s very possible. While not everyone is interested in getting it their email box down to zero, I am sure most of us can agree that we can do a better job culling it down to a more manageable number. I don’t know about…

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Book Review – How to Read a Book

By Vicki Nieto | February 27, 2018
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Algorithms of Life

By Vicki Nieto | February 24, 2018

Social media has a funny way of showing us what we are really thinking. Have you ever noticed that if you click on an ad for shoes or a video about dogs you start seeing my content related to that topic? The algorithms in social media ensure that you are always being displayed content related…

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Book Review of Deep Work

By Vicki Nieto | February 21, 2018

DEEP WORK by Cal Newport Life Changing. Own the audiobook, kindle and paper copy. Summary What is Deep Work? With the rise of the digital technology age, we must be prepared for a transformation of our labor markets. In order to compete in this labor market, we must get good at our crafts because we…

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7 Ways Personal Development Has Changed Me

By Vicki Nieto | February 15, 2018

Tony Robbins Personal Power II 25 CD Set was my first taste of personal development. It was 1996 and I had been married about a year. I was 23 years old. Putting that CD into my Sony Walkman changed me. I had never heard anyone say the things he said. I was inspired. Honestly, I…

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2018 – Your best year yet!

By Vicki Nieto | January 1, 2018

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.” —Joseph Campbell The new year is when we all do it. We all proclaim to the world we will…

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