Success Requires Sacrifices
"You wake up at what time? Are you serious?" I almost always get that response when I tell people what time I wake up. Look, I know a 4:15 am wake up is not normal for most people, but being like most people means getting the same results that most people get. Most people want more money, lose weight, have better relationships, sleep more, read more; you get the point. They SAY they want those things, but they're not willing to do what it takes to get them.
"Real success is hard and requires sacrifices. Use this to your advantage."
Most people aren't willing to do what it takes to succeed, but if you are, you have an advantage. A few months into a new job, I was talking to a co-worker of mine. We were discussing the monthly status report that was due that day. I asked him if he completed it, his response was "No. I hate doing it, and I am usually late with it. The boss doesn't seem to get too upset about it being late." I thought to myself, "Really!? This is one of the easiest things our boss asks of us, and this guy can't seem to get it submitted on time. If this is what I am up against around here, it's going to be easy to succeed."See, most people are complacent and hate being uncomfortable. Those two traits are the perfect combination for an ordinary life.
Complacency + Comfort = Ordinary Life
When we are unwilling to do the unpleasant, painful, or uncomfortable tasks, we are inviting mediocrity into our life. Do you want to be mediocre or remarkable? It is your choice.
Intention + Self-Discipline + Consistency = Remarkable Life
Set goals and do what it takes every day to achieve them. Being remarkable in this life means we must practice self-discipline. It means completing the stupid status report, putting down the damn doughnut, or getting up a 4:15 am to read and exercise. That's how I lost 100lbs, weaved a successful career, read five books a month, and still manage to get 8 hours of sleep every night.
"Discipline is choosing between what we want now and what we want most." – John Soforic
I am not perfect. I don't always get it right, but I keep showing up. What would your life look like if you showed up and gave 100% to your goals most days?